Tactical Selling

The #1 reason your deals stall

The #1 reason your deals stall

Today I’m going to share a story that happened to me yesterday during a coaching call with three founders. We were discussing what were the best ways to actually move the deal faster, get some commitment and engagement, because very often, what they were facing is people were interested, thought things were exciting, but nothing moved further for them. And so often, they were just using that as an excuse to get rid of them.

And so what we found out is actually the thing that you need to do whenever you are selling to anyone, should it be a champion, a decision maker, or simply anyone, is to find the one metric in their job that will get them promoted or get them fired. That’s the idea. So everyone has metrics in their jobs on the way they are evaluated, such in sales, for example.

It will be] the number of opportunities you will generate if you’re in SDR or BDR or a number of these will close or not will close. And these are very clear, very simple metrics you can actually see. If you crush it, you’re going to get promoted, you’re going to get more money. If you actually keep failing quarter after quarter, you’re going to get fired at some point.

And so that’s exactly the same for any kind of job. People have metrics, things that are measured to see if they will actually get promoted or get fired. And so your job is to find out what is this metric? And whenever you do that, whenever you understand what’s the metric where people are at and where they want it to be, you’ll be able to actually convince them way more to take action and move something to close that.

A quick example for that, if you watch Netflix and have Netflix, you should watch a series called Ozark. And in this series, there’s a very interesting scene at one moment where the main character, Marty, who’s actually doing money laundering and has to find ways to launder money. What he’s doing is simply, he’s convincing a family of farmers who are actually simply cultivating poppies, so this is opium. He’s convincing them to actually build a casino on their land so they will make 10, 100 X what they’re making already.

And so what he finds is that the metric that matters for them is money. So they always want to make more money and if they can make 10X, 100X, that, they will actually take the pain of building a casino on their land. And so that’s exactly the same there. It’s like, he finds what’s matter for them. It’s money, cash, and then he gets that from one point to the other and he sells the vision, the outcome they will have.

So think about how you can do something similar. For a lot of people, money is not the main drive. Promotions, prestige, these kind of things can be a main drive. And once you have that, you can start selling the vision and how you’re going to bring them there. So try this in your day to day, in your next calls. Try to find out what’s the metric that get people fired or promoted. It’s going to make your life much easier and it’s going to close the deal faster.

And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. [NEW] Join the T-shaped Sales Community

The T-shaped Sales Community is for salespeople in tech. We produce tactical content, share opportunities, and shine a light on those who make sales happen. Join here.

2. Join the T-shaped Sales Development Program

Ditch the old sales development playbook and learn the skills that will make you successful in tomorrow’s sales environment. Apply today.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.


Episode 29 – How to set a revenue operations unit in EMEA, with Henrique Moniz de Aragao

Free Online Training

3 Strategies to Reach €25K+ in Monthly Sales

Episode 29 – How to set a revenue operations unit in EMEA, with Henrique Moniz de Aragao

In this new episode, Thibaut receives Henrique Moniz de Aragao, for an in-depth discussion on how to set a revenue operations in EMEA.

Henrique is the GM EMEA at G2, the world’s leading B2B software and services review platform.

In this interview, you will discover the various setups you can choose when setting a revenue operations team in EMEA. You’ll also discover how to market a US brand in EMEA. Finally, you’ll find out about career paths in a fast-growing tech scale-up.

You can find Henrique on LinkedIn here.

Go check G2 here.

Enjoy the show!

And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. Grab a free copy of my Ultimate LinkedIn Outreach Sequence

Find out how to get a 55% answer rate and 15% booking rate, using Thibaut’s proven strategies. Grab it here.

2. Find out how to reach 25K+ in monthly sales

If you keep failing at prospecting, I’ve built a free online training to build your success plan. You can signup here.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!


Episode 28 – How to build rapport when your prospects don’t watch US football

Free Online Training

3 Strategies to Reach €25K+ in Monthly Sales

Episode 28 – How to build rapport when your prospects don’t watch US football

In this new episode, Thibaut receives Francis Brero, for a conversation on how to build rapport and sell in the US vs Europe.

Francis is the Co-Founder and CRO or Madkudu, a marketing opps platform to help marketers bring their data together.

In this interview, you will discover the main differences and similarities between selling in the US vs Europe. You will also learn tactical tips on how to qualify leads and close annual contracts.

You can find Francis on LinkedIn here.

Go check Madkudu here.

Enjoy the show!

And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. Grab a free copy of my Ultimate LinkedIn Outreach Sequence

Find out how to get a 55% answer rate and 15% booking rate, using Thibaut’s proven strategies. Grab it here.

2. Find out how to reach 25K+ in monthly sales

If you keep failing at prospecting, I’ve built a free online training to build your success plan. You can signup here.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!


Episode 27 – Everything you need to know about cold calling in 2020, with Richard Smith

Free Online Training

3 Strategies to Reach €25K+ in Monthly Sales

Episode 27 – Everything you need to know about cold calling in 2020, with Richard Smith

In this new episode, Thibaut receives Richard Smith, for a tactical conversation on how to generate opportunities through cold calling in 2020.

Richard is the Co-Founder and Head of Sales or Refract, a sales call analysis solution.

In this interview, you will discover why is cold calling still important in 2020, how to get started with cold calling, and tactical tips to build healthy cold calling habits.

You can find Richard on LinkedIn here.

Go check Refract here.

Enjoy the show!

And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. Grab a free copy of my Ultimate LinkedIn Outreach Sequence

Find out how to get a 55% answer rate and 15% booking rate, using Thibaut’s proven strategies. Grab it here.

2. Find out how to reach 25K+ in monthly sales

If you keep failing at prospecting, I’ve built a free online training to build your success plan. You can signup here.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Tactical Selling

How to use your Out Of Office Message to book meetings

How to use your Out Of Office Message to book meetings


Your well deserved holiday is around the corner. You’re almost ready to close your computer and forget about your work for a few days or weeks.

The last thing you need to do is to set your OOO message. While most people see that as a formality, you can actually use this message to bring value to your prospects and book calls while you’re away.

Here’s how.

Tell a story

While most OOO messages are pretty standard and boring, we tend to forget that every single person sending us an email while we are away will receive our automated message. Sharing a story is a good way to grab your prospect’s attention and get them to read the rest of your message. I personally give a few details about my trip and share some fun anecdote about what I’m planning to do.

Have a call to action

As you finish your story, always make sure to drop a call to action, so your prospect can get value while you are away. You can drop a link to a blog post, a free resource, or a meeting link. I personally drop a link to my Free Online Training as it educates warm leads and often turns them into hot leads.

A template for you

Here’s the last template I used when I went motorcycling to Portugal. It generated 10 leads (while I was enjoying some great sights and having a beer by the pool).

Hi, I am currently somewhere in Portugal, riding a motorcycle and enjoying a nice break.

There is no time difference with Berlin, but you know, I may get a bit lazy and take some time to answer.

Also, I am running a business so I will monitor my mails and LinkedIn. But if your question can wait a few hours, it will wait a few hours.

If you really need to have a quick answer, put URGENT in the title of your message.

In the meantime, you can check the recording of the Sales Development Accelerator Plan here.


To conclude

OOO messages are great tools to make your story unique and show that you are more than just a job title. They help telling your story and build rapport while you’re away. You can even drop a quick video to go even further.


And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. [NEW] Join the T-shaped Sales Community

The T-shaped Sales Community is for salespeople in tech. We produce tactical content, share opportunities, and shine a light on those who make sales happen. Join here.

2. Join the T-shaped Sales Development Program

Ditch the old sales development playbook and learn the skills that will make you successful in tomorrow’s sales environment. Apply today.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!

Subscribe to the Newsletter

Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

Subscribe to the Newsletter

Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.


Live Coaching, with Bram Van Kleef & Thibaut Souyris

The T-shaped Sales Community

The T-shaped Sales Community is for salespeople in tech. We produce tactical content, share opportunities, and shine a light on those who make sales happen.

Live Coaching, with Bram Van Kleef & Thibaut Souyris

In this LinkedIn Live recording, Thibaut shares some innovative outreach ideas and coaches Bram Van Kleef. Fun fact, the coaching session allowed Bram to close a 250K for one of his customers.

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to be creative and relevant when running cold outreach campaigns
  • How to deal with emotional buyers
  • What’s the coaching style of Thibaut

This recording is aimed at the following people:

  • SDRs/BDRs
  • Sales Development Managers
  • AEs, AMs, CSMs
  • Sales Managers, Sales Leaders

And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. [NEW] Join the T-shaped Sales Community

The T-shaped Sales Community is for salespeople in tech. We produce tactical content, share opportunities, and shine a light on those who make sales happen. Join here.

2. Join the T-shaped Sales Development Program

Ditch the old sales development playbook and learn the skills that will make you successful in tomorrow’s sales environment. Apply today.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!


Episode 26 – How to scale a small sales team and be a role model for women in sales

Free Online Training

3 Strategies to Reach €25K+ in Monthly Sales

Episode 26 – How to scale a small sales team and be a role model for women in sales

In this new episode, Thibaut receives Patricia DuChene, for an inspiring conversation on how to build small sales teams and become a role model for women in sales.

Patricia is the VP of Sales at She has extensive experience building sales teams in the US, EMEA and APAC.

In this interview, you will discover how Patricia has built sales teams all around the world, a few strategic moves when building a first sales team, and how she became a role model for women in sales.

You can find Patricia on LinkedIn here.

Go check

Enjoy the show!

And, whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you crush your sales targets:

1. Grab a free copy of my Ultimate LinkedIn Outreach Sequence

Find out how to get a 55% answer rate and 15% booking rate, using Thibaut’s proven strategies. Grab it here.

2. Find out how to reach 25K+ in monthly sales

If you keep failing at prospecting, I’ve built a free online training to build your success plan. You can signup here.

3. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take over the leaderboard, just book a call here. Tell me a little about what you’re selling and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!