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3 rules to getting replies with cold email

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share three rules you need to follow if you want to get replies from your cold emails. By keeping these rules in mind, you’ll receive fewer rejections, start more conversations, and book more meetings.

Here are the rules:

Rule 1: Keep your subject line under 5 words

An email’s subject line has one goal: to get the email opened. If you can’t stand out in your prospects’ mailbox, they won’t open your email.

A good way to optimize your subject line is to look for inspiration in your own mailbox. What are some emails that caught your attention? What are the ones you ignored?

Emails that resemble internal communication tend to be opened more by prospects. You can also write in lowercase only to increase the chances of getting your emails opened. Here are a few examples of subject lines from my own mailbox:

  • thoughts?
  • thurs
  • call today
  • you joining?
  • tomorrow

Rule 2: No more than 125 words

If your prospects have to scroll to read your email on their phones, then it’s too long. The goal of a cold email is to get a reply, and prospects often stop reading an email if it’s too long. Take a look at this example email: I scanned it quickly and immediately ignored it.

Bad email example

Here are a few tips to avoid the disaster above:

  • Send the email to yourself to see if you need to scroll on your mobile phone.
  • Optimize the text preview to pique the prospect’s interest.
  • Add white space to your email to make it easy to read.

Just like this one:

Good email example

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Rule 3: Use frameworks

One of the biggest mistakes I see salespeople make is writing each email from scratch. Outbound prospecting is about consistently contacting prospects with high-quality touchpoints. However, even with the best emails, a majority of prospects will ignore them.

To increase your chances of getting a reply, you should use frameworks to help you write effective emails. You can also try out Mixmax AI, which is a helpful tool for keeping your emails concise or adjusting their tone. This feature is currently in its early beta stage, and you can apply here.

By following these three rules, you can reduce the chance of being ignored and start more conversations as a result. Remember, if you focus on conversations, the rest will follow!

Hope this helps,

Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (270+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (75+)

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