5 sales tools I can’t live without

In today’s issue, I’ll share 5 sales tools I can’t live without. I’ve tried hundreds of tools in my sales career, and most of them weren’t really helpful.

Sales tools are often great to automate repetitive parts of our job, but they often include a ton of useless features (all the AI email writers, icebreakers, etc.) and they end up wasting everyone’s time.

There are over 5.529 sales tools, in 25 sub-categories, and here are 5 I can’t live without.


AmpleMarket is the ultimate, all-in-one sales engagement platform. I use it everyday to grab LinkedIn profiles, put prospects into sequences, and make sure that I’m actually reaching out to them on a structured and direct way.

You can use my link if you want to give it a try (and get a 10% discount if you decide to go for it).


Kaspr is an amazing Chrome extension you can install to discover phone numbers and emails from prospects. It’s really useful if you’re not using an all-in-one platform, and if you’re looking for hard to find prospect data, especially in EMEA.

LinkedIn Native Videos

LinkedIn Native Videos are videos recorded within the LinkedIn app. They are incredibly powerful to stand out, as most salespeople don’t even know they exist (you can only record them with the app). I wrote a detailed guide to help you use them in 2024.

Prospecting Template Swipe File

The Prospecting Template Swipe File is a collection of killer prospecting message templates from top sales creators and influencers. I have collected over 25 cold emails, LinkedIn, and cold call templates you can use to start more conversations with prospects. It’s regularly updated.

It even includes prompts to help you make these templates yours.

Sales Process Calculator

Finally, my Sales Process Calculator is a resource I use every day to understand how many prospects I need to add to my sequence in order to reach my targets. It’s a simple formula to turn my revenue targets into daily activity.

And these are 5 tools I can’t live without. This shortlist is the result of years of trial and error, and they help me to:

  • build lead lists
  • find prospect data
  • put them into sequences
  • reach out in a structured way

Hope this list was helpful. If you know of another tool I should try, just reply to this email.


Thibaut Souyris

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