5 side gigs you can land right now

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share 5 types of side gigs you can land, right now, without having to become a content creator, or post anything on LinkedIn. Working in sales means you have skills that are highly sought-after.

Most businesses owners look for these skills by opening a full-time, employed position, but you can also market them as a contractor (I prefer the term “Portfolio Professional”) for more freedom, money, and time.

Here are 5 examples:

Fractional Individual Contributor (SDR/AE)

A fractional Individual Contributor is an SDR or AE (or any IC position) that works on a part-time, fixed terms contract. Instead of joining a company as a full-time hire, without a set end date, you work as a contractor, with fixed terms.

For example, you could work 1 day a week as a fractional SDR, where you focus on booking meetings for your customer. You’re paid a fixed, hourly price, plus a set bonus for each meeting you book.

Fractional Team Lead

A fractional Team Lead side gig is a great option if you have a bit of management experience. You can run weekly 1:1s and share reports with your customer, coach salespeople, and work on prospecting or closing deals if necessary.

For early-stage startups, this kind of role is in high-demand. As you have experience prospecting, closing, and managing, you can do a bit of everything as an interim team lead.

Fractional Head

Fractional Head is a good option if you have some serious experience as a front-line manager. You’re able to market your management skills and the flexibility you offer for a high-price.

For example, I closed a €10.000 contract to be a fractional Head of Sales Development for 36 hours of work on my second year working for myself. €277 per hour isn’t too bad in my book.

Fractional VP

This is the sweet spot if you’re an experienced VP or C-level. Most business owners are winging it, and sales is particularly hard to crack when you don’t have a ton of experience selling yourself.

If you’ve been building sales processes, hiring salespeople, or held strategic positions in your career, becoming a Fractional VP is a great way to get paid big money to help business owners get more clarity in their sales organizations.


Fractional positions are great, but they can quickly turn into full-time positions, if your customers are satisfied of your results. And that’s exactly what’s going to prevent you from working when, where, and how you want.

That’s why I recommend selling consulting contracts. Instead of getting involved in the day-to-day of your customers (and risk getting sucked in), you can work on a project-based basis, with clear outcomes and boundaries.

There are countless ways to structure fractional and portfolio professional contracts. You can sell a pre-determined amount of hours or days you’re going to work every week, set a performance-based compensation (commission and bonus), or sell a fixed project, where your customers pay for outcomes (not hours).

If you want to find out what type of contract you could land, right now, I have created a Portfolio Career Launch Plan. It’s a 15-seconds survey with questions about your current job and situation. At the end of the survey, I’ll send you a personalized plan to help you land your first side gig.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

→ (NEW) Join the waitlist to build your portfolio career

→ Enroll in The Prospecting Engine

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