My 3-step morning prospecting procedure

I’m a super lazy guy.

My mom was always getting angry at me when I was a kid because I was too lazy to tidy my room (she still gets annoyed at me for that when I go and visit her).

Yet, with time, I have learned to build procedures and habits to get things done, with the least amount of effort possible.

And prospecting is one area of my life where procedures have allowed me to overcome my natural tendency to procrastinate.

Every single weekday, I go to my office, I prepare a coffee, I open my computer, and I do 3 things:

Follow up —> Find new prospects –> Contact new prospects

Step 1: Follow up

Following up is a key ingredient in successful prospecting. It’s also the simplest task in cold outreach.

If you don’t have a follow-up sequence, you’re going to burn through tons of leads and get no replies.

That’s why I start my prospecting routine by following up on all prospects who didn’t reply to my previous touchpoints. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of who I got in touch with and when. You can use a sequencer or a CRM, I just didn’t find one that wasn’t email-centric.

When all my follow-ups are done, I take my first coffee sip (it forces me to get done quickly with the follow-up, as I’m not a fan of cold coffee).

Step 2: Find at least 5 new prospects

Next, I find 5 new prospects who fit with my ICP. I calculated that number using my “Cruising Altitude Calculator” (you can access it in my latest course).

I know that I need to add 5 new prospects to my sequence every single weekday to reach my meeting target.

In general, I check who viewed my LinkedIn profile, who liked/commented on my posts, and if I cannot find enough leads, I’ll go and check the latest post of a sales thought leader.

If the post is about something I can help with (how to write a good connection request, for example), I’ll check who liked/commented and save prospects who fit with my ICP in my spreadsheet.

Step 3: Enroll 5 new prospects into my sequence

Now that I have 5 fresh prospects, I need to contact them.

Luckily, I always have something relevant to say. They either checked my profile, liked or commented on my post, or engaged with someone else’s post.

I use this as a trigger to start the conversation. It looks like that:

  • Profile view: “Mary, noticed you recently landed on my LinkedIn profile. Did you find what you were looking for?”
  • Engaged with my post: “Mary, thanks for your like on my post about connection request mistakes. Interested in grabbing a 3-step checklist on how to build a connection request?”
  • Engaged with someone else’s post: “Mary, noticed you also liked Jimmy’s post about connection request mistakes. Interested in grabbing a 3-step checklist on how to build a connection request?”

If I’m not connected with them, I send that as a connection request. If I’m already connected, I drop a quick prospecting video.

So how much time does it take?

It’s pretty fast. I have never spent more than one hour per day prospecting, but the average is around 30 minutes. Here’s a typical schedule:

  • 08:00 to 08:10: follow up
  • 08:10 to 08:20: find prospects
  • 08:20 to 08:30: contact prospects
And that’s about it.

I get a 38% reply rate and an 11% meeting rate.

I hope this will help you structure your prospecting effort. And if you’re interested in a step-by-step guide to building your prospecting routine, I recommend checking The New Outreach System.


P.S. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you.
→ Grab my course, The New Outreach System: How I use LinkedIn to get a 38% reply rate and an 11% meeting rate. Buy it here.
→ Grab my course, The T-shaped Sales Development Program: This is the most comprehensive course I have about sales development. You’ll learn everything from optimizing your LinkedIn profile for sales to finding hot prospects, and running discovery calls Buy it here.
→ Work 1:1 with me: If you want to work 1:1 with me to build your prospecting routine and crush those sales targets, then book a 1:1 coaching session with me. Click here to book.

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