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In today’s newsletter, I’ll share a simple tactic to follow when you’re struggling to book meetings, no matter what you’ve tried. By following these steps, you can avoid being ignored by prospects, start more conversations, and ultimately book more meetings.
Here’s how:
To get started, create a list of all customers who have purchased something from you. For instance, I have compiled a list of individuals who have purchased my AI Outreach System. I reach out to five of them every day, with a reply rate of around 40%.
Next, create a list of lost opportunities. In my experience, leads who were previously in conversation to purchase something from me tend to reply more than complete strangers.
With your two lists ready, you can now start working on your sequences. Instead of trying to book a meeting right away, focus on restarting the conversation. Use anything that is relevant to reignite the conversation. For example, you can try something similar to what I did below:
Although my question had nothing to do with business, we ended up discussing this prospect’s challenges, and I am currently working on closing a deal with them.
If you don’t have any personal questions to ask, you can use the following framework from Nate Nasralla:
Here’s a variation of it:
To see results, it’s important to systematize this approach. I recommend integrating it into your prospecting routine. Here’s what my routine looks like:
By following this routine, you’ll get consistent results and start more conversations. Add a few of your past customers and lost opportunities to book meetings with them in no time.
Give this tactic a try and feel free to drop me a DM on LinkedIn to share your results!
Thibaut Souyris
Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.
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