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4 steps to building a problem calculator
In today’s issue, I’ll share how you can create a problem calculator to use in your prospecting. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I love using big, massive problems to start conversations with prospects. If you can create a simple problem calculator, you’ll be able to tease it in your prospecting messages, and catch the attention of your prospects.
Here’s how, step-by-step:
Step 1: Find a big, quantifiable prospect problem
The first step is to have clear idea of a problem your prospects are trying to solve. It has to be a massive problem for them to care. It’s also important that you can quantify this problem, otherwise you won’t be able to create your calculator.
For example, a VP of Sales Development will care about outbound pipeline generation. If they have a goal of generating $150M pipeline in 2024, having a $20M pipeline at the beginning of Q2 is a massive problem.
Step 2: Find the metric your solution can impact
When you have found a big problem you can quantify, you need to find the metric your solution can impact. Your metric has to be directly related to the problem you have found in step 1.
For example, my Prospecting Engine has a direct impact on the pipeline generated by a salesperson taking it. The metric I’ll focus on is the pipeline generated.
If you were selling an expense management solution, a good metric could be the bottom line.
Step 3: Build a before/after calculator
Now that you have a clear idea of the metric your solution impacts, you can create your calculator. The easiest way to create your calculator is to create a before/after comparison so you can create a gap.
For example, in this calculator, I have created a comparison between a 100% focus on new logos only, and a 100% focus on expansion.

PS: If you need help building your own calculator, you can book a call to see how one of my programs can help you or your team.
Step 4: Tease it in your messages
The calculator I shared above is quite powerful as a reciprocity resource to use in my prospecting messages. Instead of directly sharing it, I like to tease it so I can capture the curiosity of my prospects, and get them to reply (and start a conversation with me), instead of sharing it and have them ignore me.
Here’s a prospecting template I would use to tease it to a VP of Sales:
“Mary, looks like you’re currently working with a team of 12 salespeople.
Salespeople who use my plays typically go from <5% reply rates to >15% reply rate.
With around 400 prospects contacted per month, per rep, this would mean starting conversations with 40 more prospects per rep, resulting in 480 additional monthly conversations for your entire organization.
That’s 5.760 additional conversations a year.
Worth peeking at my calculator to refine these numbers?”
And this is how you can build a problem calculator to get more prospects to reply to you.
Hope this was helpful.
P.S. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:
→ (NEW) Enroll in The Prospecting Engine
→ (NEW) Need to train your team or invite me as a speaker? Book a call here
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